Contact Information
Ethnic Background
Please check all that apply to you
Documentation will be needed to determine eligibility for EOPS
High School
Educational Goal at VC
Residency: Have you lived in California at least one year and one day?
To assist you in your admission to the college: Are you a U.S. citizen?
You have indicated that you are not a U.S. citizen. Do you or your parents have an alien registration/temporary resident/amnesty card or other INS documents?

 CalWORKs students must complete this section.

(Only complete this section if YOU, the student, are a CalWORKs recipient receiving Cash Aid. This does not include those whose family members are receiving cash aid through CalWORKs.)

I currently Receive
Photo Release
I give permission to EOPS to take and use photos / videos of me in publications and in any other communications related to EOPS
How did you hear about EOPS?
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